Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 4pm

WMODA Safety Protocols

In accordance with the relaxed guidelines issued by the CDC, face masks are no longer required in the museum. WMODA guests and staff should use their own discretion. Wearing masks indoors in public places is still recommended for people with increased risks of contracting COVID-19.

For the well-being of our guests and staff, the following COVID-19 safety protocols are in place:

  • Do not visit WMODA if you have a fever, cough or feel unwell
  • Practice social distancing in the galleries throughout your visit
  • A safety shield has been installed at reception to process admissions and shop sales
  • Hand-sanitizer is available in the museum
  • Use hand-sanitizer when handling merchandise in the museum gift shop
  • Credit Card payments are preferred
  • Avoid touching surfaces whenever possible and wash your hands thoroughly during your visit
  • A rigorous cleaning and sanitization schedule is in operation throughout the museum

By visiting WMODA, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

We reserve the right to limit museum admission to comply with social distancing requirements.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging times.

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