Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 4pm

Believe the Impossible

The Lewis Carroll Society of North America recently invited Louise Irvine to talk about the Alice in Wonderland experiences at WMODA and the presentation is on the society’s YouTube channel. Inspired by the anniversary of Through the Looking Glass and the White Queen’s six impossible things to believe before breakfast, Louise talked about the museum’s cutting-edge programs to celebrate the International Year of Glass. Virtual visitors also followed Louise down the rabbit hole to see ceramics inspired by the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and showed the video of Chelsea Rousso’s glass fashions in Wonderland.

Watch the YouTube video.

Wiener Museum of Decorative Arts - LCSNA Summer Session 1 - Virtual Field Trip

Innovative Performances Inspired by The Sounds of Glassmaking

A Cool Fashion Show of Wearable Hot Glass in Wonderland

A Tea Party for the Queen of Hearts with TEAquila, Teapots & Tarts

Chihuly’s Gardens of Glass Reimagined as Magic Carpets

Zany Underwater Art Photos of Alice and the Mad Hatter

Dodos, Jabberwocks & Other Wonderland Fantasies in Clay